Due to popular demand, we now accept the following cryptocurrency (ETH and ERC20 tokens) as payment for webhosting: 

Shibatoken.com $SHIB: https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x811beed0119b4afce20d2583eb608c6f7af1954f

shib token image

Create an account and send in a support ticket with your etherscan transaction to this wallet address and we will apply the credit to your account so you can buy/register domains or purchase hosting services. 

Wallet: 0x29d3f7FF82F28437cCe8305544C830EA16A0dD23

We will send a special coupon code in reply to your support ticket, if you send crypto as payment for any new services you buy if you're a new or existing customer until 5/31/2021 (20% off). 

Петок, Мај 7, 2021

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